The giveaway is now ended. Once the rafflecopters choose the winners for each prize, I’ll announce them in a new post and contact winners via emails. Good luck!
If you’d like to see my personal breakdown of the Splintered Trilogy’s ending as the author, follow this link. Beware, there be spoilers!
To read my spoiler-free interview with USA Today’s HEA blog about my entire Splintered series just after it ended, go here.
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If you’d like to know more about Splintered’s cover evolution, follow this link for an interview with Nathalia Suellen as she explains her process for crafting the magical and evocative art.
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You can find the full Morpheus post: “Seven Ways my Antagonist is Better Than a Sugar Cookie” here.
And if the Morpheus prequel excerpt made you curious and you can't wait to see if you win the booklet to read, order options for Alice the Absent are here.
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For the full Red Carpet post that went live one month before Splintered’s debut, follow this link.
To check out Morpheus’s interview, visit this post.
For Jeb’s interview, go here.
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If you’d like to read the rest of my Splintering Wonderland interview from September 2012 (just a few months before Splintered first debuted) check it out here.
And be sure to drop back in tomorrow when I’ll be adding the rafflecopter for prize pack 5!
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