Announcement # 1:
My Morpheus prequel story, Alice the Absent, will soon be up for purchase online for those who didn’t get to take part in the preorder festivities for Stain, or who didn’t get to buy Stain’s paperback with the extra content. There’s no preorder or order links yet, so just hang tight. I’ll get that info out there as soon as it’s available. Also, unfortunately, because the story is shorter than a novella, it would be too expensive to print out booklets. So e-book will be the only version available. For a little added fun, I shared a preview of the e-version’s new cover art (designed by me and my awesome son, @iredrayn-IG). I’ll reveal the full cover as soon as the e-book goes live, so keep watching my online venues! Also, I’ll have a giveaway to celebrate when the story launches, and will include some posters of the new cover art, signed by me and my son. 😉
Announcement # 2:
This one is HUGE! For a while I’ve been posting hints of my latest young adult fantasy WiP, a Labyrinth / GoblinMarket inspired urban fantasy with cyberpunk / horror elements. And now I finally have the green light to announce that it’s going to be a duology about an alternate faerie world called Mystiquiel (pronunciation: Mi-steek-ee-L), and will be hitting shelves in fall 2022, thanks to Bloomsbury Publishing, my wonderful agent Jenny Bent, and the fabulous Cindy Loh (editing)! Check out my Publishers Marketplace announcement above for more details. I’m super stoked to start this next chapter in my writing career!
Announcement # 3:
Details forthcoming on a novel I’m editing now. I hope to make it available very soon (in PB and ebook) so readers won’t have to wait two years for a full-sized A.G.Howard read. For added fun, here’s an emoji sneak peek into the novel’s theme: 🦇🧛🏰. I’ll spill all the beans on this one very soon! Until then, stay safe and happy reading!