My Bloody Valentine Giveaway

Welcome to My Bloody Valentine Giveaway, in celebration of Valentine’s Day and The Wisdom of Blood’s ebook birthday! 🎂🧛🏻💝🦇💟

Check out the prizes up for grabs below, then be sure to enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win one!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

PLEASE NOTE: This is a domestic giveaway only. I can’t afford the foreign S&H right now, but I will have a smaller foreign giveaway soon when money’s not so tight, so all my readers will have a chance to win something then!

Good luck to all who enter, and don’t forget to purchase my ebook today, if you’re up for a darkly romantic read. 💋 You can find a free excerpt and buying options on the book’s landing page here. And if you’re waiting for the paperback version, it will be launching in a couple of weeks. I’ll let everyone know here when it’s ready for ordering.

39 thoughts on “My Bloody Valentine Giveaway”

        1. Years later and your books STILL make me *squeeee* thinking about them. I wrote a comment to you on Goodreads after I read Splintered and I still feel that same giddiness I did then. Incredibly gifted, you are. Wait to get my grubby hands on more of your books, I cannot. Turned me into a dorky, smitten Yoda, you have. Lol <3 youuu

    1. Thanks so much Tiffany! The cover artist is Nathalia Suellen, the same incredible talent who’s done all my covers so far. She never ceases to amaze me!

  1. I’m so excited to start reading this today! I’ve been waiting for this since I heard you were coming out with it! I’m so excited, I love your books, even when I was high school I’m so glad you came out with this.

    1. I’m so excited to share it! Thanks for supporting my books for so many years! I hope you enjoy this new read, and wishing you all the luck in the giveaway. 🙂

  2. After hearing about this author and reading Splintered back in 2013, I have been a huge fan! I got all your books as quickly as I could and lost myself in the worlds! I was excited to add Stain to my collection this past Christmas and look forward to adding this one to my collection as well! Thank you for giving us a place to escape to when we’ve had to stay in place!

    1. Former comment with edits:

      After hearing you and reading Splintered back in 2013, I was hooked from the beginning and have been a huge fan ever since! I got all your books as quickly as I could and lost myself in the worlds! I was excited to add Stain to my collection this past Christmas and look forward to adding this one too! Thank you for giving us a place to escape to when we’ve had to stay in place!

      1. I’m so happy my books kept your company this past year and even before! Thanks for your book support, and good luck in the giveaway!

  3. I’m looking forward to this book so much! I previewed the first three chapters on my phone, and I’m already hooked.

  4. Beyond excited to read this book and give it a wonderful place to live on my book shelf once finished.

  5. AHHH! I’m always incredibly hyped whenever you publish a new book! <3 I absolutely cannot wait to get my hands on it! Keep up the fantastic story telling!

  6. I own every one of your books and they are a fan favorite in our home so of course this one will be added to the collection. Your writing is always beautiful and intriguing ❤️. And this book cover is just amazing!

    1. Isn’t the cover beautiful! I’m always blown away with the artwork Nathalia Suellen comes up with. You should visit her website if you never have. Everything she creates is magical!

      Also, I appreciate the book support and kind words so much. 🙂 Sending you all the giveaway luck!

  7. So excited for this book! It looks amazing! I have a Roseblood ARC that I won in one of your giveaways and have signed copies of Stain and the Splintered series. The blood splatter copy of The Wisdom of Blood would be AMAZING to add to my collection.

    1. How cool that you have so many special copies of my books! This would be a beautiful addition for sure. Good luck in the giveaway!

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